Hosted Inaugural “Cherry Blossoms Gathering” Dinner at the Ambassador’s Residence for Several of Their Excellencies the Ambassadors.

April 4, 2019: It was an honor and pleasure for H.E. Ambassador Dr. Bashir Mohabbat to host the inaugural “Cherry Blossoms Gathering” dinner for several of Their Excellencies the Ambassadors with missions in Japan at the Ambassador’s Residence within the embassy building.

H.E. Ambassador Dr. Mohabbat greeted to the embassy, and up to his residence for a carefully prepared dinner, the special guests H.E. Mr. & Mrs. Dražen HRASTIĆ, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia to Japan; H.E. Mr. & Mrs. Sanjay Kumar VERMA, Ambassador of India to Japan; H.E. Mr. & Mrs. Arifin TASRIF, Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia; H.E. Mr. & Mrs. Waleed SIAM, Ambassador, Representative of the Permanent General Mission of Palestine; H.E. Mr. & Mrs. LUI Tuck Yew, Ambassador of the Republic of Singapore; H.E. Mr. & Mrs. Bansarn BUNNAG, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand to Japan; and H.E. Dr. & Mrs. Hasan Murat MERCAN, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Japan.

On behalf of the people and Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, H.E. Ambassador Dr. Mohabbat thanked all of those present for their long time support and friendship to Afghanistan over the years as it has endeavored for progress, peace and prosperity. Moreover, he asked that they continued to advocate their respective countries to continue to stand with Afghanistan as it continued to move forward on the path towards peace in an Afghan-owned and Afghan-led process. All of those present vowed to do their best to ensure their respective countries would continue to support and stand with Afghanistan well into the future. Over the course of the night, all those present remarked at how wonderful not only the Afghan spirit of hospitality they have received had been but also the most delicious flavors of the Afghan foods.

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