Attendance at the Appreciation Ceremony and Posthumous Awarding of the Order of the Rising Sun on the late Hon. Dr. Tetsu Nakamura.

December 27, 2019: With much serene honor, H.E. Ambassador Dr. Bashir Mohabbat attended the appreciation ceremony and posthumous awarding of the Order of the Rising Sun on the late Hon. Dr. Tetsu Nakamura to his widow and oldest daughter at the Prime Minister’s Office in Tokyo.

On behalf of the people and Government of Japan, H.E. Prime Minister Mr. Shinzo Abe presented to Mrs. Naoko Nakamura, widow of the late Hon. Dr. Nakamura, a letter of appreciation to Nakamura's family for his humanitarian contributions to Afghanistan's development. Following the presentation of the letter, H.E. Prime Minister Abe presented Mrs. Nakamura with decorations for the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette; one of the highest orders bestowed upon civilians.
H.E. Prime Minister Abe conveyed to Mrs. Nakamura that her commendable late husband “made glittering achievements in years of medical and other service for Afghan people and refugees, … promoted friendship between Japan and Afghanistan, and made tremendous contributions for advancing international humanitarian support and international cooperation.” In reply Mrs. Nakamura said she still feels very sad, but that she sincerely hopes aid to Afghanistan will continue, now that many people have shown their support for her husband’s life’s work, and that “I hope green land will continue to spread in Afghanistan.” Once again, and on behalf of the people of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, H.E. Dr. Mohabbat expressed sincere and profound gratitude for the achievements by Hon. Dr. Nakamura and Peshawar-kai noting that they would be forever grateful.