December 23, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin
Fatimie and the Ambassadress attended, along with a number of key
dignitaries, a reception to celebrate the birthday of H.M. the Emperor
of Japan at the Imperial Palace.

Taking this important opportunity, Ambassador and Ambassadress
Fatimie expressed sincerest, heartfelt congratulations to H.M. the
Emperor on H.M.’s day of birth, wishing, on behalf of the people and
Government, a long and healthy life filled with even more inspiring
accomplishments. Furthermore, the Ambassador and Ambassadress offered
deepest gratitude for the selfless and impactful assistance provided by
Japan to Afghanistan’s peace and development, particularly calling
attention to the roles of Their Majesties. The Ambassador and
Ambassadress were fortunate enough to also be able to pass the same
sentiments to H.M. the Empress. H.M. the Emperor cordially offered his
gratitude for the warm wishes.
Ambassador and Ambassadress Fatimie also, among a other notable
persons, were honored to also meet with an Imperial Princess in