May 24, 2012:
Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie, in order to extend anew feelings of support to the areas that suffered from the devastating disasters of March 11, 2011, visited Sendai, Miyagi prefecture. Throughout his stay, he described the area as a warm, hospitable area, vibrant with its efforts in overcoming the suffering that has afflicted the city, prefecture, and surrounding prefectures.
Ambassador Fatimie was accompanied by Mr. Kazuo Aoki of the NGO GHG Emissions Trading Agency (pictured above, upper right), a great and close friend of the Embassy who provided invaluable support, including arranging for translation and providing other parties with a Japanese insight into the realities of ever-increasing peace in Afghanistan and friendship between the nations.
Ambassador Fatimie had the opportunity to meet with three of the areas noble leaders at their respective offices, Hon. Vice-Governor Masahiro Wako (pictured above, lower left), Hon. Mayor Emiko Okuyama (pictured below), and Hon. Vice Mayor Yukimoto Ito (also pictured below); the Ambassador praised as ambitious visionaries and dedicated hard-workers in the recovery of the area. Offering deepest condolences, on behalf of the people and Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, on the tragic losses of lives and the destruction that was suffered in the disasters and their aftermath, Ambassador Fatimie spoke of the love and kinship felt by Afghans for Japanese people, not only at the level of officials but to all members of society. As evidence of the mourning that was felt as a result of these close feelings, Ambassador Fatimie presented the respective prefectural and municipal leaders with drawings made by the children of Bamiyan to the children of Japan following the disasters; all were moved deeply. The officials in turn briefed Ambassador Fatimie on the suffering that has been felt by the people and the efforts to rebuild. The Ambassador expressed that the noble people of Japan have a difficult task ahead of them, but have proven themselves capable of overcoming any adversity quickly. Expressing Afghanistan’s sincere willingness to help Japan in any way it can both in terms of rebuilding these affected areas and in strengthening its position as a global leader, the Ambassador mentioned that the riches of natural resources in Afghanistan are open to Japanese investment; all agreed that now is the time to pursue this investment.

Having been impressed by the hospitable and warm treatment that he received in this prefecture and the city of Sendai, in addition to Their Honors, Ambassador Fatimie praised the members of their esteemed offices, in particular Director Akira Chiba of Miyagi Prefecture’s International Affairs Division and Director Shusaku Takahashi and Ms. Kyoko Sugawara of the City of Sendai.
To read the report in the Kahoku Shimpo newspaper in Japanese, click here.
May 15, 2012:
Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie and the Ambassadress attended a reception in honor of Director General of Middle Eastern and African Affairs Bureau Shigeo Matsutomi of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and his esteemed wife. The event was hosted by H.E. Ambassador Abdul-Rahman Humood A.R. Al-Otaibi at the Embassy of the State of Kuwait.
Ambassador Fatimie first took the opportunity to congratulate H.E. Ambassador Al-Otaibi on this latest initiative to bring together key people from the host nation and concerned nations to increase ties and friendship in a relaxed and comfortable format; the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan’s inclusion is another example of the comprehensive and far reaching support that the State of Kuwait provides to Afghanistan.
Ambassador Fatimie expressed to Director General Matsutomi deepest gratitude for Japan’s ever-present prominent position in furthering development and peace in Afghanistan and the region, as the Director General briefed attendees on his recent visit to the Middle East and North Africa. Director General Matsutomi also shared of H.E. Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs Ryuji Yamane’s visit to Kabul, saying that H.E. referred to the visit as productive and satisfactory.
The very friendly atmosphere of this reception was enhanced further by the presence of Their Excellencies the Ambassadors and Ambassadresses of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the State of Qatar, the Republic of Tunisia, and the Republic of Djibouti. The participants together warmly discussed a number of matters of shared interest, with great interest shown regarding developments in Afghanistan, particularly the upcoming Tokyo Conference.
April 26-27, 2012:
Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie, as part of the Ambassador’s initiative to individually deepen ties with the prefectures of Japan, visited Okinawa prefecture. Throughout his trip, Ambassador Fatimie was thoroughly impressed and moved by the hospitality extended by the prefecture’s officers and citizens, which began with a warm welcome at Naha airport.

The Ambassador was first escorted to the prefectural government’s office, being received by Hon. Governor Hirokazu Nakaima (pictured above). Before officially meeting with Hon. Gov. Nakaima, Ambassador Fatimie met with Director General Daiichi Hirata and Director Hajime Terukina of the prefecture’s Department of Culture, Tourism, and Sports. In the subsequent meeting kindly arranged with Hon. Governor Nakaima, the Ambassador firstly offered appreciation for the excellent arrangements that had been made. Expressing deepest sympathy regarding the tragic affects of the March 11, 2011 disasters on behalf of the people and Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, expressing sincerest gratitude for the selfless and comprehensive aid that Japan, and specifically Okinawa, has provided unabated to Afghanistan’s development and peace process. Speaking on the extended history of friendship and mutual support between their two respective nations, the Hon. Governor firstly thanked Afghanistan for its assistance following March 11, 2011, and stated that his prefecture and nation would continue forever this mutual friendship and cooperation. The Hon. Governor took great interest in Afghanistan’s vast mineral reserves as one potential point of further cooperation. In closing, the two exchanged gifts, with Ambassador Fatimie receiving a beautiful book detailing the prefectures unique and rich history and culture.

Ambassador Fatimie was then escorted to the office of Hon. Mayor Takeshi Onaga of Naha (pictured below). Once again taking the opportunity to express humble condolences on the disasters and gratitude for the assistance that Japan, and the people of Naha within, have provided to Afghanistan, the Hon. Mayor graciously described the Afghan-Japanese and Afghan-Naha partnerships as important and increasing in their strength and depth. Also showing himself to be an excellent host and leader, Ambassador Fatimie was left with a truly positive impression of the Hon. Mayor and Governor respectively.