July 28, 2015:
H.E. Ambassador Dr. Fatimie was pleased to welcome at the Afghan Embassy in Tokyo The Honorable Mr. Shohei Okashita, LDP member of the House of Representatives; Hon. Mr. Hiroyuki Nagasawa, Senior Coordinator of the Global Issues Cooperation Division of the International Cooperation Bureau of the Japanese MoFA; and Mrs. Yumi Suzuki, Deputy Director of the same Bureau.
The esteemed Japanese officials who valued the relation between Afghanistan and Japan, friendly calling upon its history and its importance, explained to H.E. Ambassador Dr. Fatimie the plan of the Government of Japan to submit a proposal of resolution to the Second Committee of the United Nations in order to establish November 5th as “World Tsunami Day” at the next session of the United Nations General Assembly.
Mr. Shohei Okashita asked the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to support and to become co-sponsor of the proposal of resolution, and also gave H.E. Ambassador Dr. Fatimie a letter from Hon. Mr. Toshihiro Nikai, Chairman of General Council of LDP, who strongly supports the proposal.

The objective, after the Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) held this March in Sendai, is to raise people’s awareness of precautionary measures against tsunamis, with the aim to protect their precious lives.
H.E. Ambassador Dr. Fatimie, grateful for Japan’s permanent kind thoughts to preserve the relation with Afghanistan he has the honor to represent, wished to point out, on behalf of the government of Afghanistan, the importance Japan has, especially in the socio-economic field, for his fellow countrymen and countrywomen.
H.E. Ambassador Dr. Fatimie assured his guests that the Embassy would convey their request to the MoFA of Afghanistan and that the answer would be transmitted to them as soon as it will be received.