Attendance at the Day of Russia Reception.

June 08, 2018: His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Bashir Mohabbat had the honor and pleasure of attending the Day of Russia Reception at the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Tokyo, Japan.
H.E. Ambassador Dr. Mohabbat had the pleasure of meeting and talking to His Excellency Ambassador Mr. Mikhail Galuzin of the Russian Federation to whom he expressed his heartfelt congratulations on behalf of the people and Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in honor of the auspicious occasion as well as his appreciation for Russia's continuous support of Afghanistan. In return, H.E. Mr. Galuzin thanked H.E. Dr. Mohabbat for his kind words and attendance.

Additionally, he had the honor of meeting and speaking with long time friend of Afghanistan His Excellency Mr. Natsuo Yamaguchi, a member in the House of Councillors and of the Komeito Party, and several of Their Excellencies the Ambassadors, Diplomats with missions in Japan, and high ranking members of several Governments present.
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