Attendance at the Italian National Day Reception.

May 30, 2019: It was a pleasure for H.E. Ambassador Dr. Bashir Mohabbat to attend the Italian National Day reception at the Ambassador’s Residence located at the Embassy of Italy in Tokyo.
On behalf of the people and Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, H.E. Ambassador Dr. Mohabbat had the pleasure of meeting and talking to H.E. Ambassador Mr. Starace of Italy to whom he expressed his heartfelt congratulations on behalf of the people and Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in honor of the auspicious occasion as well as he expressed his appreciation for Italy's continuous, generous, impact-generating, and sustainable development assistance in Afghanistan across many sectors. In return, H.E. Mr. Starace thanked H.E. Dr. Mohabbat for his kind words and attendance.

While at the event, H.E. Dr. Mohabbat also had the honor of meeting and speaking with his longtime friend, Chief Representative of the Komei Party and Member of the House of Councilors of Japan, H.E. Mr. Natsuo Yamaguchi, to whom he extended sincere gratitude and appreciation on behalf of the people and Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan for Japan's steadfast and benevolent support. Additionally, he had the pleasure of meeting again with several of Their Excellencies the Ambassadors, Diplomats with missions in Japan, and other distinguished guests all present in honor of the occasion.
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2019年5月30日: 東京の駐日イタリア大使公邸にてイタリア国家の日の記念式典に出席したことはバシール・モハバット大使にとって喜ばしい事でした。

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