Attendance at the National Day of the Argentine Republic.

May 27, 2019: H.E. Ambassador Dr. Bashir Mohabbat had the pleasure of attending the reception honoring the National Day of the Argentine Republic at the Argentine Ambassador’s residence in Tokyo.

On behalf of the people and Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, H.E. Ambassador Dr. Mohabbat expressed his sincerest congratulations on this most auspicious occasion to H.E. Mr. Alan Claudio Beraud, Ambassador of the Argentine Republic to Japan. Additionally, he added his hopes for an even further strengthening of relations between Afghanistan and Argentina. In return, H.E. Ambassador Mr. Beraud thanked H.E. Dr. Mohabbat for his attendance and kind words, as well as his expressed hopes for the continuation of bilateral relations between Afghanistan and Argentina.
While at the event, H.E. Dr. Mohabbat had the pleasure of meeting with others of Their Excellencies the Ambassadors, diplomats with missions in Japan, and other distinguished guests all present in honor of the auspicious occasion for the Argentine Republic.
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2019年5月27日: バシール・モハバット大使は東京で行われたアルゼンチン共和国記念日を祝う祝賀会に出席しました。

イスラム共和国アフガニスタンの政府と人々を代表して、モハバット大使はアルゼンチン大使のアラン・クラウディオ・ベロー氏にこの最も幸運な機会に心から祝福の意を示しました。さらに、アルゼンチン大使はアフガニスタンとアルゼンチンの更なる友好関係構築を願っています。 また、ベロー大使の返答としてモハバット大使の祝賀会出席と親切な言葉に加え、アフガニスタンとアルゼンチンの二カ国関係の継続に対する希望を表明しました。
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