
23/12/2011 Ambassador, Ambassadress attend reception to celebrate the birthday of H.M. the Emperor

December 23, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie and the Ambassadress attended, along with a number of key dignitaries, a reception to celebrate the birthday of H.M. the Emperor of Japan at the Imperial Palace. 

H.M. the Heisei Emperor and H.M.’s noble family have long been friends of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, making this auspicious occasion a day of highest celebration yearly for the Afghan representatives in Japan. The festive mood of the day was further enhanced by the renewed health of H.M., as his condition was in the prayers of the Ambassador and the people of Afghanistan. 

Taking this important opportunity, Ambassador and Ambassadress Fatimie expressed sincerest, heartfelt congratulations to H.M. the Emperor on H.M.’s day of birth, wishing, on behalf of the people and Government, a long and healthy life filled with even more inspiring accomplishments. Furthermore, the Ambassador and Ambassadress offered deepest gratitude for the selfless and impactful assistance provided by Japan to Afghanistan’s peace and development, particularly calling attention to the roles of Their Majesties. The Ambassador and Ambassadress were fortunate enough to also be able to pass the same sentiments to H.M. the Empress. H.M. the Emperor cordially offered his gratitude for the warm wishes.
Ambassador and Ambassadress Fatimie also, among a other notable persons, were honored to also meet with an Imperial Princess in attendance.


9/11/2011 H.E. Ambassador Dr. Fatimie, Mr. Yazdani Warmly Welcome Her Imperial Highness The Princess Takamado to the Afghan Carpet Exhibition at JAPANTEX 2011

November 9, 2011: His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Fatimie and Mr. Nabard E. Yazdani extended the warmest welcome to Her Imperial Highness The Princess Takamado upon Her Imperial Majesty’s visit to the Afghan carpet booth at JAPANTEX 2011. The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan are organizing together with Yazdani Corporation an exhibition of antique and modern treasures made from silk and wool, showing the artistry of the carpets of Afghanistan, the birthplace of carpets as an art form.
Ambassador Fatimie took the opportunity to express deepest gratitude to Her Imperial Highness The Princess Takamado for Japan’s enduring generous and selfless support to the people and Government of Afghanistan, in particular calling attention to the significant benefit and inspiration drawn from the Japanese Imperial family’s kind friendship extended. Ambassador Fatimie also conveyed his wishes and prayers for His Imperial Majesty The Emperor of Japan’s health.
JAPANTEX opens through November 11th and is open to the public.

Original Post


13/10/2011 Ambassador Fatimie attends event hosted by Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress at the Akasaka Imperial Gardens

October 13, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie attended an event hosted by Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress at the Akasaka Imperial Gardens. The annual event allows the diplomatic community in Japan and other key figures to further deepen ties with Their Majesties. In the case of Afghanistan, as Their Majesties have previously visited the nation, are very informed of the developments, and have a special affinity for the nation, these outings are of particular importance. 
(Above photo: Ambassador Fatimie and former prime minister Hon. Councillor Hatoyama)

Ambassador Fatimie was able to interact with a number of key people at the event including H.E. Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda and former prime ministers Hon. Councillor Naoto Kan and Hon. Councillor Yukio Hatoyama, extending to each his deepest gratitude, on behalf of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, for Japan’s selfless and generous support to Afghanistan and their personal roles within. Hon. Mr. Hatoyama in particular spoke of his relief that H.E. President Hamid Karzai is alright following an unsuccessful plot by enemies of peace, with the former prime minister also mentioning his respect for H.E. President Karzai. 

Original Post


19/08/2011 The Japan Times newspaper publishes Ambassador Fatimie’s article on Afghan-Japan relations in honor of Afghan National Day

August 19, 2011: In honor of the 92nd Afghan National Day, the Japan Times newspaper printed a special article by Ambassador Fatimie on Afghan-Japanese relations.
The Japan Times has kindly observed this tradition for a number of years, offering readers a chance to review the past year in bilateral relations and to understand Afghanistan and the Embassy’s focus for relations in the future.
In his message, Ambassador Fatimie, conveying deepest respects to Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress and the Government and people of Japan, expressed deepest gratitude for Japan’s contributions to Afghanistan’s development and peace process. Building upon this, the Ambassador detailed support provided to Japan by Afghanistan and Afghans following the disasters of March 11th, evidence of the closeness and mutually-supportive relations between the peoples. In closing, Ambassador Fatimie declared that the two nations would continue to support and inspire one another as both continue to strengthen.
Madame Sadako Ogata, president of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) graciously provided a message of support in the special article, wishing the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and its people sincere congratulations on the auspicious day.
To read the article, click on the photo above for a larger view.


22/07/2011 Ambassador Fatimie announces major improvements in Afghan health sector to Afghan media

July 22, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie announced to the Afghan media updated statistics from the Afghan health sector, showing major improvements made.
Ambassador Fatimie sited the Afghanistan Mortality Survey 2010 (AMS) report that was implemented by the Ministry of Public Health with the technical support of key groups including ICF Macro-USA, the Indian Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Central Statistics Organization (CSO) of Afghanistan. The 2010 report, which was recently finished after a thorough verification process by international experts from key institutions, shows great improvements in a number of areas, including life expectancy increasing by nearly 20 years on average. Other areas that have shown great improvements are the maternal mortality ratio, which decreased from 1,600 per every 100,000 births in 2001 to 327 per every 100,000 births in 2010, making Afghanistan’s one of the lowest regionally; the child mortality rate, which decreased from 165 per 1,000 births in 2001 to 66 per 1,000 births in 2010; and the under-five mortality rate, which decreased from 257 per 1,000 births in 2001 to 84 per 1,000 in 2010.
Ambassador Fatimie pointed out that these findings show that the International Community’s investments in the Afghan health sector, particularly the financial support of USAID, the European Commission, the World Bank, Japan, and other donor bodies, have been effective, worthwhile, and well-made. Furthermore, he praised the efforts of the people, Afghan and international, who made these inspiring gains.
To see the press release in Pashto, click here.
To see the press release in Dari, click here for page 1 and here for page 2.
To see the press release in English, click here.


19/07/2011 Ambassador Fatimie meets with Mr. Mason, M.A. student at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

July 19, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie welcomed Mr. Patrick Mason to the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Tokyo. Mr. Mason is an M.A. student at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies interviewed the Ambassador in regards to his thesis on relations with Afghanistan. Mr. Mason also spoke with Dr. Bashir Mohabbat, Deputy Head of Mission.
Afghanistan has a long history of scholarship and an excellent relationship with Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, an institute that has provided educational opportunities to a number of Afghan students.


15/06/2011 Ambassador Fatimie hosts a meeting of representatives of Afghan residents in Japan to report on the Council’s efforts to provide support to victims of the March 11th disasters

June 15, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie hosted an representatives of Afghan residents in Japan at the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Afghan residents in Japan had donated a total of 1,851,000 yen in support of the victims of the tragic March 11th disasters. The representatives gathered in order to hear a report on how the funds were used and what the outcome was.
Ambassador Fatimie opened the event by offering deepest gratitude and praise to the representatives and all Afghans in Japan for their selfless support and their steadfast solidarity to their Japanese brothers and sisters during these difficult times. The Ambassador encouraged those present to continue their positive proactive nature from here on out, strengthening relationships both with their Japanese neighbors and with each other.
Mr. Jafar Ahmadyar, who headed the Committee in charge of collecting and taking charge of the funds, briefed attendees on the actions the committee had taken to provide furnishings to evacuees from Fukushima in Ibaraki, the funds donated directly to Fukushima – along with drawings of support by Afghan children, and the reaction from the evacuees, concerned officials, and the Japanese public.
In closing, Mr. Jason Pratt, Public Affairs Officer, and Ms. Mako Shiina debuted the first Embassy podcast, which speaks on modern mutual support between Afghanistan and Japan, to the group, promising to spread the news about their noble efforts.


8/06/2011 Ambassador Fatimie, Afghan delegation meet with Hon. Governor Sato of Fukushima, Hon. Deputy Mayor Katahira of Fukushima City, deliver funds, drawings by Bamiyan children in support

(Photo: From left to right, Mr. Ahmadyar, Ambassador Fatimie and Mr. Hussein (far right) present Hon. Governor Sato with a donation to support the people of Fukushima.) 

June 8, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie along with a delegation of Afghan residents of Japan visited Fukushima City in order to bring 530,000 yen in funds and drawings by children in Bamiyan province, hoping to provide further material and spiritual support to the prefecture in the aftermath of the March 11th disasters and the ongoing nuclear problems. The funds come from the 1,851,000 yen gathered from Afghan residents in Japan.
On May 20th, a delegation including the Ambassador, members of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, and Afghan residents of Japan also visited Ibaraki Prefecture in order to bring supplies to evacuees from Fukushima prefecture.
The delegation to Fukushima was made up of Ambassador Fatimie, Mr. Jafar Ahmadyar, Mr. Haji Hussein. 

In the delegation’s meeting with Hon. Governor Yuhei Sato, Ambassador Fatimie expressed deepest condolences on the immense loss of life, damage to property, and the problems that have since affected the people of Fukushima. The Ambassador expressed the solidarity of the Afghan people with the citizens of prefecture, stressing that their resilience and strength would allow them to overcome these difficult obstacles, and presented the Hon. Governor with the artwork and the support funds. In turn, the Hon. Governor expressed his appreciation for the support and said that he values the relationship between Japan, and in particular Fukushima, and Afghanistan.

Following the meeting with the Hon. Governor, the delegation was warmly welcomed by the Deputy Mayor of Fukushima City, Hon. Mr. Kenichi Katahira. Ambassador Fatimie also expressed condolences to the Hon. Mayor and pledged that Afghans would stand beside and pray for the people of Fukushima. The Hon. Deputy Mayor conveyed, on behalf of the Mayor and the people of his noble city, sincere gratitude.

Throughout this developing situation, the children of Afghanistan have been particularly sympathetic to the victims of the disasters, having raised money through such groups as the Afghan Red Crescent Society, and held rallies, among other avenues of support.
To see the artwork of the children of Bamiyan, click here for part 1 and here for part 2.
To read news reports of the visit in Japanese, click here.
(Photo: Ambassador Fatimie and the delegarion meet with Hon. Deputy Mayor Katahira.)


6/06/2011 Ambassador Fatimie welcomes Mr. Yui of NHK to the Embassy

June 6, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie welcomed Mr. Hideki Yui of NHK broadcasting to the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Mr. Yui, who has covered or facilitated coverage of the Embassy and Afghan activities in Japan on multiple occasions, has officially been named as the next head of NHK’s Afghanistan-Pakistan bureau. Mr. Jason Pratt, Public Relations Officer for the Embassy, was also present.
Ambassador Fatimie spoke of the tragedies of March 11th, offering his deepest condolences for the victims while praising the resilience of the Japanese people. Ambassador Fatimie continued by offering sincerest congratulations on Mr. Yui’s new and exciting appointment, challenging him to continue in NHK’s tradition of high journalistic standards, to serve as an accurate window for Japanese into the true Afghanistan, and to serve as a civilian bridge between the nations. The Ambassador also offered to be of assistance to Mr. Yui during his time in Afghanistan and the region.
Mr. Yui thanked Ambassador Fatimie for his kind sentiments and declared that he is dedicated to portraying Afghanistan in an honest and fair light.


26/05/2011 H.E. Ambassador Dr. Fatimie Attends Buffet Meeting Hosted by His Imperial Majesty the Crown Prince of Japan at the His Majesty's Palace

May 26, 2011: His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Fatimie had the esteemed honor to attend a buffet at the palace of His Imperial Highness The Crown Prince of Japan and received a warm welcome. Seven Ambassadors in total attended the meeting.

H.E. Ambassador Dr. Fatimie took the occasion to express deepest appreciation for the generous and selfless support that Japan has extended to Afghanistan’s development, emphasizing the important role that the Imperial Family has played in relations between the two friendly nations. H.E. Ambassador Dr. Fatimie further conveyed to His Imperial Highness deepest condolences on the massive loss of life and damages caused by the disasters of March 11th, expressing the solidarity of the Afghan people with the Japanese in this time of difficulty.
In return, His Imperial Highness The Crown Prince of Japan kindly expressed gratitude for the Afghan support these last months, expressing the deep friendship between the nations. Building upon this, His Imperial Highness The Crown Prince of Japan conveyed that His esteemed parents, Their Imperial Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan, had shared with Him Their warm memories from Their trip to Afghanistan in 1971. His His Imperial Highness The Crown Prince of Japan said that both He and Their Imperial Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan wished the best for Afghanistan and the Afghan people.


20/05/2011 Ambassador Fatimie, Afghan delegation bring supplies to disaster evacuees in Ibaraki prefecture, meet with Hon. Mayor Ichihara of Tsukuba, Hon. Governor Hashimoto of Ibaraki

May 20, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie along with a delegation of officials from the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Afghan residents of Japan visited Tsukuba, Ibaraki prefecture in order to bring supplies to disaster evacuees from Fukushima prefecture, home of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

The delegation was made up of Mr. Jafar Ahmadyar, Mr. Nabard E. Yazdani, Mr. Kohi Amin, Mr. Mohammad Esmail, Mr. Taqi Mahmoodi, Mr. Fahim Nawabi, Mr. M. Baqer, Mr. Haji Baqer, and Mr. Amin Gul Hanif. From the Embassy, the Ambassador was joined by Dr. Bashir Mohabbat, Deputy Head of Mission; Mr. Jason Pratt, Public Relations Officer; Mr. Yuki Takeda; and Mr. Antony Tran.
The evacuees who had just moved into their new temporary homes said that due to the disasters of March 11th and the subsequent radiation problems, they were forced to move out of their homes without time or resources to bring furnishings with them. The delegation presented new furnishings directly to three families and left furnishings with the local government for 17 more.

Each set of furnishing included five light fixtures and a gas stove. Gas heaters donated by Mr. Yazdani were also brought along. These sets were acquired at the direction of the local government with funds raised by Afghan residents of Japan totaling 1,851,000 yen.

Ambassador Fatimie and the delegation spoke on the solidarity between the peoples of the two nations and offered prayers on their behalf. The evacuees expressed their gratitude.

The delegation then met with the Mayor of Tsukuba, the Hon. Mr. Kenichi Ichihara, and then with the Governor of Ibaraki, the Hon. Mr. Masaru Hashimoto, the latter in Mito city. Both of the Hon. officials expressed their appreciation for the support. Ambassador Fatimie expressed that this was further evidence of the close relations between the nations, building upon the support the Japan has shown to Afghanistan in its development. The delegation further offered condolences regarding the massive loss of life and damage done to the prefecture and all of Japan. Ambassador Fatimie presented letters of condolence and of appreciation to the Hon. officials.

To see the full gallery of the visit by photographer Antony Tran, click here.
To read the NHK report of the visit in English, click here. To read it in Japanese, click here.
To read the Mainichi Shimbun report in Japanese, click here.
(Photo, left to right: Mr. Hanif, Mr. Kohi Amin, Mr. Yazdani, Ambassador Fatimie, Governor Hashimoto, and Mr. Ahmadyar)
All photographs courtesy of Antony Tran


15/05/2011 Ambassador Fatimie is interviewed on Voice of America about the Japanese disasters

May 15, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie, along with Mr. Jafar Ahmadyar, head of the committee of Afghan residents in Japan supporting victims of the March 11th earthquake and tsunami, were interviewed on Voice of America’s Dari language station about the situation in Japan.
Ambassador Fatimie, staff from the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Tokyo, and representatives of the committee will visit disaster evacuees later this week, bringing furnishings for them.
The Dari language report can be found on Voice of America’s homepage here.
To listen to the broadcast, click here.

14/05/2011 Ambassador Fatimie attends the State of Kuwait’s charity bazaar, organized to support the victims of March 11th’s earthquake and tsunami

May 14, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie attended the State of Kuwait’s charity bazaar in Mita, Tokyo, organized to support the victims of March 11th’s earthquake and tsunami.
The event offered the chance for attendees to purchase a number of Kuwati goods, including handicrafts and foods. All profits were directed through the Japanese Red Cross.
Ambassador Fatimie congratulated H.E. Ambassador Abdul-Rahman Humood A.R. Al-Otaibi on this noble effort and the two reflected on the solidarity of the Islamic nations with the Japanese people and government. The two agreed to meet again in the near future to discuss areas of mutual interest.


11/05/2011 Ambassador Fatimie attends a reception hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to express Japan’s appreciation for international solidarity and support following the March 11th disasters

May 11, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie attended a reception at the Iiikura House in Tokyo hosted by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to express Japan’s appreciation for international support following the March 11th disasters. The Ambassador attended in order to show the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Embassy’s solidarity with Japan, a close friend and ally.
Marking two months since the events of March 11th, diplomats from about 130 countries in total gathered together with Japanese officials.
Speakers at the event included H.E. Foreign Minister Takeaki Matsumoto. In his speech, H.E. Prime Minister Kan conveyed sincere gratitude for the financial and more support that were offered to the victims, referring to this as evidence of strong ties between Japan and the other members of the international community. Regarding Japan’s Official Development Aid (ODA), H.E. the Prime Minister said that while there would be a reduction in funds dedicated to supporting other nations, this would only be a temporary arrangement.
Attendees of the event were provided with foodstuffs from the Tohoku region in a gesture of the safety of the products.


7/05/2011 Ambassador Fatimie visits Shizuoka Prefecture, speaks at the opening of the Dr. Reshad’s new health facility

May 7, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie made a visit to Shizuoka Prefecture, a prefecture intimately connected with Afghanistan, on the occasion of the opening of Dr. Khaled Reshad’s group’s new health facility.
Before visiting the new Appolon Ita facility, which will service the elderly and people affected with dementia, Ambassador Fatimie was given a tour of two other facilities previously opened by the group.
The opening ceremony for the new facility was attended by a number of related people and local dignitaries, including Hon. Mayor Katsuro Sakurai and Hon. Prefectural Assembly Woman Ikuko Ito. Dr. Reshad, a prominent Afghan resident of Japan who serves as an honorary advisor to Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan, was described by Hon. Ms. Ito in her speech as a bridge between the nations of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Japan; she further expressed her wish for a deepening of the already friendly relations between the two nations. Ambassador Fatimie, who has had the honor of opening a great number of health facilities in Afghanistan, expressed his pleasure at representing at this event the ever-increasingly close relations between the nations, referencing the contributions that the two nations made to one another, as well as wishing Dr. Reshad success in this and future pursuits. Ambassador Fatimie additionally called on those in attendance in joining him in expressing support for the victims of March 11th’s disasters.
To read the Ambassador’s speech, click here.

To read the newspaper report of the event in Japanese, click here.
(photo: from right to left, Dr. Khalid Reshad, Hon. Assembly Woman Ikuko Ito, Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie)


27-30/04/2011 Ambassador Fatimie travels to Nagasaki, meets with Governor Nakamura, Mayor Taue

April 27-30, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie made an official visit to Nagasaki to honor the prefecture and city’s special significance as an international symbol of peace.

As the first official act of his trip, Ambassador Fatimie laid flowers at the Atomic Bomb Hypocenter in Nagasaki Peace Park, the impact point of the atomic bombing. The Ambassador was accompanied by Hon. Deputy Mayor Masanobu Chita. Ambassador Fatimie paid respects to the residents of Nagasaki who sadly lost their lives in World War II. Following this, the Ambassador was given a tour of the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum by the museum's director, Mr. Akitoshi Nakamura. Ambassador Fatimie signed the memorial book in the museum.

During his trip, Ambassador Fatimie also met with local reporters and answered questions about current affairs in Afghanistan.
To read the Ambassador’s letter to Governor Nakamura, click here.
To read the Ambassador’s letter to Mayor Taue, click here.
To read the Yomiuri Shimbun report of the Ambassador’s visit in Japanese, click here.
To read the Nagasaki Shimbun report of the Ambassador’s visit in Japanese, click here
 (photos above: Ambassador Fatimie meets with Governor Nakamura)

(photo: Ambassador Fatimie meets with Mayor Taue)

 (photo: Ambassador Fatimie views displayed artifacts at the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum)

 Original Post


25/04/2011 Ambassador Fatimie and Embassy staff view the film “Their Majesties The Emperor and The Empress – Official Duties at the Imperial Palace”

April 25, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie and the staff of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan viewed the film “Their Majesties The Emperor and The Empress – Official Duties at the Imperial Palace,” provided by the Imperial Household Agency.
The film detailed the yearly activities of Their Majesties, paying a great deal of attention to diplomatic affairs, many of which the Ambassador and the Diplomats have had the honor of participating in.
Ambassador Fatimie described the film as informative and important in increasing the staff’s understanding of Afghanistan’s close and noble friends, Their Majesties The Emperor and Empress of Japan.


19/04/2011 Ambassador Fatimie welcomes Mr. Sadat, Director of SADAT Business Group, to the Embassy

April 19, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie welcomed Director Sayed Ishaq Sadat of SADAT Business Group to the Embassy. Dr. Bashir Mohabbat, Deputy Chief of Mission, also attended the meeting.
Director Sadat, who is an active promoter of trade relations between Afghanistan and Japan, is currently visiting Japan to encourage Japanese private sector investment in Afghanistan’s development; he has already met with a number of Japanese business people.
SADAT Business Group is mainly involved in construction, but Director Sadat supports Japanese investment in a number of sectors.
During his courtesy call to the Ambassador, the two discussed the current situation in Afghanistan as well as viable ways to involve potential Japanese partners.


12/04/2011 Second meeting of representatives of Afghan residents in Japan held to discuss support issues for the victims of March 11th’s Tohoku earthquake and tsunami

April 12, 2011: One day after the one-month anniversary of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, Ambassador Sayed M. Amin Fatimie, met for a second time with representatives of Afghan residents of Japan at the Embassy in order to build upon plans to support the victims of March 11th’s tragic Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. In attendance were, representing the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Dr. Bashir Mohabbat, Deputy Chief of Staff; Mr. Bahadur Kargar, Third Secretary and Consul; Mr. Jason Pratt, Public Affairs Officer; and Ms. Parwana Paikan; representing the Afghan residents of Japan were Mr. Jafar Ahmadyar, the committee’s head; Mr. Amin Kohi, the project’s auditor; and Mr. Haji Hussein, the committee’s treasurer.
Since the previous meeting, many Afghan residents in Japan had come forward in solidarity with their Japanese brothers and sisters to financially support the committee’s declaration to provide for the survivors. A total of 1,841,000 yen had been raised as of the meeting.
The funds will be used to purchase gas stoves and light bulbs, at the request of the Ibaraki Prefectural Government, to install in temporary housing units in the prefecture which will house evacuees from Fukushima. A group comprising of members of the committee and staff of the Embassy will deliver the materials to Ibaraki in the near future.
To see the list of those who have donated to the relief fund, click here.
To see the list of previous donations made by the diplomats of the Embassy on March 15th, click here.


7/04/2011 Representatives of Afghan residents of Japan gather in support of victims of March 11th’s Tohoku earthquake and tsunami

April 7, 2011: Ambassador Sayed M. Amin Fatimie met with more than 20 prominent representatives of Afghan residents of Japan at the Embassy in order to show their solidarity with the victims of March 11th’s tragic Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, and to decide upon ways in which to support the survivors. The representatives, men and women, encompassed all ethnicities and groups in Afghanistan.
Through the meeting, 415,000 yen was gathered to be dedicated to purchasing supplies for those in the regions most affected by these disasters. Attendees vowed to collect further funds from other Afghan residents who were not present. The supplies will be delivered in person to the Tohoku region by a group of 14, including three members from the Embassy, selected by the representatives at a date to be decided later. The 14-member committee is to be headed by Mr. Jafar Ahmadyar, with Mr. Haji Hussein serving as treasurer, and Mr. Amin Kohi serving as auditor.
The members of this session expressed that they were pleased with this initiative instituted by the Embassy, and promised their resolve to stand with their Japanese brothers and sisters.


30/03/2011 Ambassador Fatimie visits Hiroshima, meets with Hon. Governor Yuzaki, speaks at UNITAR session

May 30-31, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie made a trip to Hiroshima at the invitation of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). A city of redevelopment and rebirth, Hiroshima is inspirational for both northeastern Japan following the disasters of March 11th as well as for Afghanistan in its development.
Ambassador Fatimie received a warm welcome to the city by Mr. Alex Mejia, head of UNITAR’s Hiroshima office, who accompanied the Ambassador to Hiroshima Peace Park for an official tour of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. On the occasion of his visit, Ambassador Fatimie signed the museum’s book dedicated to messages from dignitaries, writing:
The atomic bombing of the city of Hiroshima and its aftermath serves as a grave reminder of the terrible tragedy and cruelty of war and highlights the importance of peace.
I wish the resilient residents of Hiroshima and the entire noble nation of Japan peace, happiness, and prosperity.
The Ambassador further expressed his condolences for the victims of Hiroshima, on behalf of the people and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Japan, through the laying of flowers at the cenotaph. This was followed by a visit to the Atomic Bomb Dome.
On the evening of the 30th, Ambassador Fatimie spoke to local government officials, representatives of NGOs, and other dignitaries and members of the public at UNITAR’s public session. Ambassador Fatimie’s presentation focused on maternal mortality rates, telling of the historical state of maternal health care in Afghanistan, the progress that has been made, and the goals and steps for the future.
To view the Ambassador’s presentation, click here.
On the morning of the 31st, Ambassador Fatimie had the honor of calling upon the Honorable Governor Hidehiko Yuzaki. The Ambassador praised Hiroshima for its inspirational role in the world, while expressing condolences over the past tragedy, as conveying his condolences and solidarity with Japan regarding the March 11th earthquake and tsunami. Ambassador Fatimie also offered gratitude for the Governor and Hiroshima’s support in Afghanistan’s development, particularly in regards to capacity development.
During the Ambassador’s stay, he was interviewed by the Chugoku Shimbun. To read the story in Japanese, click here.
  (Photo: Ambassador Fatimie meets with Governor Yuzaki and Mr. Mejia.)
(Photo: Ambassador Fatimie delivers a presentation at UNITAR’s public session. Photo courtesy of UNITAR)
(Photo: Ambassador Fatimie and Mr. Mejia visit with students in front of the cenotaph.)


31/03/2011 Ambassador Fatimie presents awards for excellence in work to Mr. Toledo, Mr. Valencia, Ms. Taura

(Ambassador Fatimie with Mr. Toledo) 
March 31, 2011: Ambassador Sayed M. Amin Fatimie presented awards for excellence in work to Mr. Arvin Toledo; Mr. Rodolfo Valencia, Jr. (Jun); and Ms. Mai Taura. Mr. Toledo and Valencia are local staff who have performed beyond the requirements of their services, and Ms. Taura is an intern who has proven very capable and responsible.
Following the awarding of the letters of appreciation, Ambassador Fatimie held a discussion with the Embassy’s internship staff answering their questions and working to motivate them further. The Embassy sees its internship program as one of its cornerstone activities.
(photos: left: Ambassador Fatimie with Mr. Valencia, right: Ambassador Fatimie with Ms. Taura)


29/03/2011 Ambassador Fatimie meets with Mr. Yazdani to discuss support to those affected by the Tokoku earthquake and tsunami

March 29, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie, along with Mr. S.A. Razaq Luqman, First Secretary of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, met with Mr. Nabard E. Yazdani, President of Yazdani Corporation, to discuss ways in which Afghan residents of Japan can work together in support of Japanese who have been afflicted by the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011. Mr. Yazdani also shared from his experience information regarding the Japanese economy and Afghan-Japanese business relations.
The 9.0 magnitude earthquake and the tsunami that resulted devastated the northeastern area of Honshu, Japan’s largest island. The effects are still being revealed and many in the worst-affected prefectures continue to suffer.
Ambassador Fatimie, who has volunteered to serve as a physician in troubled areas, will gather together a number of Afghans at the Embassy in the near future to build off of the ideas discussed with Mr. Yazdani, and put forward support measures.


24/03/2011 Ambassador Fatimie attends briefing on the developing Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant situation at the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

March 24, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie Mr. S. A. Razaq Luqman, First Secretary and Political attache, and Mr. Bahadir Kargar, Third Secretary and Consul, attended a series of two briefings at the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tokyo.
The first briefing focuses on the recent developments concerning the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. A number of officials related to the issue spoke, providing detailed information about the work being done to cool the reactors and stop the spread of radiation. While weather conditions have caused fluctuations in the levels of radiation in the surrounding areas, the officials showed that overall radiation levels continue to decrease and will continue to decrease more, while also reminding that the radiation levels of water, food, and the environment are safe unless otherwise notified.
The second briefing focused on missing foreign nationals in Japan. The briefing was given by the National Police Agency. No Afghans are known to be missing.
Ambassador Fatimie had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Shutaro Omura, Principal Deputy Chief of Protocol from the Minister of Foreign Affair’s Secretariat. Ambassador Fatimie expressed his deepest condolences over the massive loss of life and the damage caused by the tragedy of March 11th’s earthquake and subsequent typhoon. The Ambassador assured of the Afghan Government and people’s continuing dedication to support their Japanese brothers and sisters through this difficult time, and expressed the resolve of the Embassy to remain open and functioning in Tokyo barring any directive from the Japanese government. Mr. Omura expressed his gratitude of behalf of Japan, and discussed the close and friendly relations of the two nations.

(Picture: the panel of experts brief attendees on the latest developments. Mr. Shutaro Omura is seated at the far right.) 

22-23/03/2011 Ambassador Fatimie attends press conferences on the Fukushima nuclear incident

March 22-23, 2011: In order to become fully aware of the latest developments and to directly receive complete information, Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie attended press conferences on Tuesday and Wednesday in regards to the ongoing developments of the Fukushima nuclear incident.
The Fukushima Daiichi (number one) Nuclear Power Plant suffered damage due to the tsunami that resulted from March 11th’s massive earthquake in northeastern Japan. Since the incident, radiation has been released and the public has been concerned about the effects, both short-term and long-term.
On Tuesday, Ambassador Fatimie attended a talk by Professor Shunichi Yamashita of Nagasaki University’s Department of Molecular Medicine and Department of International Health and Radiation Research, Atomic Bomb Disease Institute on nuclear power and radiation exposure. Professor Yamashita, who is serving as an advisor on the Fukushima situation, expressed confidence in the safety of Japan at present, assuring people that even those in a close proximity to the nuclear facility, citing 31 kilometers from the facility as an example, are as safe from the effects of radiation as those outside of Japan.
On Wednesday, Ambassador Fatimie, accompanied by Mr. Jason Pratt, Public Affairs Officer of the Embassy of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, attended visiting-nuclear expert Dr. Robert Peter Gale’s press conference in Tokyo. Dr. Gale has worked on the Chernobyl incident as well as others worldwide. Dr. Gale also reassured of the current safety of Japan and those living in Japan. Comparing the situations of Chernobyl and Fukushima, he noted that the reactor types and the environments are very different. While Fukushima has been declared to be the same level of threat as Three Mile Island in the United States, Dr. Gale stated that there have been no noticeable health problems, including no cancer problems, resulting from Three Mile Island, and has said that the Japanese government is taking adequate steps to address the situation and providing proper support and care to those that need it.
Both conferences were positive indicators that currently, the proper steps are being done to protect those in Japan and to improve the situation.
The Ambassador and diplomats from the Embassy have also been meeting with officials from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on a daily basis to keep updated on the developments and to hear of the Japanese government’s official position.
(Photo: Professor Yamashita speaks on the realities of radiation.)


15/03/2011 Afghan diplomats, Mayor of Kandahar donate to disaster relief in Japan, others in Afghanistan also show support

March 15, 2011: In the wake of the March 11th magnitude 9.0 earthquake and subsequent tsunami that has brought massive loss of life and damage to Japan, Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie and the Embassy’s diplomats gathered 40,000 yen to donate to relief efforts. Ambassador Fatimie and the staff of the Embassy of Afghanistan have expressed their deepest condolences to the victims of this tragedy and have expressed that they will stand by the people of this great nation during this difficult period. Ambassador Fatimie has also offered his services, as a physician experienced in assisting in a number of disasters since the early 1980s, to help in the areas affected worst.
Afghans both in Afghanistan and abroad have shown their sympathy towards those affected and are expressing their solidarity.
In Kandahar, Mayor Ghulam Hayder Hamidi has donated US$50,000 – a reflection of how deeply he cares for the Japanese with, as well as a symbolic sign of gratitude for all that Japan has done for the city and province. Mayor Hamidi told Reuters, "I know $50,000 is not a lot of money for a country like Japan, but it is a show of appreciation from the Kandahar people." Students of Kandahar University are also gathering further funds now.
Other government officials, including the Mayor of Kabul, have also together offered around US$200,000 in assistance.
In Bamiyan, a group of 70 young people gathered to express their support, holding banners in Dari, as well as in English reading such slogans as “We are poor but rich in our willingness to offer assistance to the people of Japan in your time of need,”The youth of Bamiyan extend our heartfelt sorrow to the citizens and victims of Japan.”
To read the Japanese government's press release concerning Afghan contributions, click here.


15/03/2011 Ambassador Fatimie meets with Mr. Constant and Ms. Hayden of Kreab Gavin Anderson

March 15, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie welcomed to the Embassy Mr. Richard Constant, President and CEO of Kreab Gavin Anderson Worldwide, and Ms. Deborah Hayden, President and CEO of Gavin Anderson and Company in Japan.
Ambassador Fatimie expressed on the occasion of their meeting gratitude for the group’s support of the Embassy, as Ms. Hayden has been an active advisor.
During their discussions, Ambassador Fatimie spoke on the importance of education in Afghanistan and the power that communicating the truth to the people can have towards peace. Mr. Constant emphasized the importance of conveying these sentiments to the public through the media, and he and Ms. Hayden expressed continued support.


12/03/2011 President Karzai, Ambassador Fatimie express condolences over the tragic earthquake in Japan

March 12, 2011: The Government and people of Afghanistan join our Japanese brothers and sisters in mourning the tragic loss of life and property following Friday’s devastating earthquake and resulting tsunamis. We pray for the quick rescue of those still missing and stand together in addressing the unfolding challenges.
To view the message sent by H.E. President Hamid Karzai to H.M. the Emperor, in Dari, click here. In English, click here. For the message to H.E. Prime Minister Naoto Kan in Dari, click here. To view the message in English, click here.

To view the message of Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie to H.E. Foreign Minister Takeaki Matsumoto and senior officials of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in English, click here. To read the Ambassador’s message to President Sadako Ogata of JICA, click here. To read the Ambassador’s message to Director General Masataka Nakahara of JICA, click here.


8/03/2011 Ambassador Fatimie offers condolences on the passing of H.E. Former Prime Minister and Senior Leader Krishna Prasad Bhattarai of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal

March 8, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie visited the Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal where he signed the book of condolences for the passing of H.E. Former Prime Minister and Senior Leader Krishna Prasad Bhattarai.
In his message, Ambassador Fatimie expressed condolences over the loss, and referred to the former prime minister’s immense democratic contributions.

The full text of the Ambassador’s message follows below:

On behalf of the Government and the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, I would like to express my deepest condolences on the passing of H.E. Former Prime Minister and Senior Leader of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal Krishna Prasad Bhattarai.
H.E. Mr. Bhattarai was a leader in democracy and peace. His memory will continue to serve as an example for responsible and respectable transition regionally and worldwide.
My prayers go out to the family of H.E. Mr. Bhattarai, and to the people and Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal.


2/03/2011 Ambassador Fatimie, Madame Fatimie have audience with Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan

March 2, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimi and Madame Wahida Fatimie received a special, warm welcome by Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo.
The Emperor, who has recently suffered from a heart condition, offered appreciation for previous messages of support from H.E. President Hamid Karzai and the Ambassador, and explained that his health is now much improved.

Ambassador Fatimie took the occasion to express gratitude, on behalf of the Government and people of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, to Their Majesties for the generous and selfless support that Japan has provided in the reconstruction and development of the nation, particularly in socio-economic areas. The Ambassador assured Their Majesties that these contributions will never be forgotten and that relations between the two noble nations and peoples would continue forever.
Their Majesties, having been impressed by Afghanistan and Afghans during Their visit in 1971 and knowledgeable about developments since, showed great interest in Ambassador Fatimie’s briefing on the current situation in Afghanistan. His Majesty the Emperor enquired about security developments, reacting positively to the Ambassador’s explanation that hundreds had recently joined in the Peace Process.
Their Majesties offered their best regards to H.E. President Hamid Karzai. The Emperor and Empress offered their wishes for peace, stability, and happiness for Afghanistan, and reaffirmed Their continued dedication and personal concern for the nation and people. Ambassador and Madame Fatimie in turn wished His Majesty sound health and Japan prosperity.
This is the third time that Ambassador Fatimie has met with His Majesty the Emperor since assuming his current post.


03/02/2011 Ambassador Fatimie, Madame Fatimie have audience with Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan

March 2, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimi and Madame Wahida Fatimie received a special, warm welcome by Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo.
The Emperor, who has recently suffered from a heart condition, offered appreciation for previous messages of support from H.E. President Hamid Karzai and the Ambassador, and explained that his health is now much improved.
Ambassador Fatimie took the occasion to express gratitude, on behalf of the Government and people of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, to Their Majesties for the generous and selfless support that Japan has provided in the reconstruction and development of the nation, particularly in socio-economic areas. The Ambassador assured Their Majesties that these contributions will never be forgotten and that relations between the two noble nations and peoples would continue forever.
Their Majesties, having been impressed by Afghanistan and Afghans during Their visit in 1971 and knowledgeable about developments since, showed great interest in Ambassador Fatimie’s briefing on the current situation in Afghanistan. His Majesty the Emperor enquired about security developments, reacting positively to the Ambassador’s explanation that hundreds had recently joined in the Peace Process.
Their Majesties offered their best regards to H.E. President Hamid Karzai. The Emperor and Empress offered their wishes for peace, stability, and happiness for Afghanistan, and reaffirmed Their continued dedication and personal concern for the nation and people. Ambassador and Madame Fatimie in turn wished His Majesty sound health and Japan prosperity.
This is the third time that Ambassador Fatimie has met with His Majesty the Emperor since assuming his current post.


25/02/2011 Ambassador Fatimie meets with Dr. Vafa and Ms. Yasukawa of Runway Hope Foundation at the Embassy

February 25, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie, along with Dr. Bashir Mohabbat, Deputy Chief of Mission, welcomed Dr. Sena Vafa and Ms. Emi Yasukawa of Runway Hope Foundation to the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Tokyo.
The foundation, which works to raise awareness of refugees and their struggles through fashion, is working towards organizing in September a fund-raising fashion show in Tokyo to support refugees and those applying for refugee status in Japan. The end goal is for the group to organize such shows yearly or twice yearly in and near Japan


17/02/2011 Ambassador Fatimie meets with Ms. Hayden, President and CEO of Gavin Anderson and Company

February 17, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie welcomed to the Embassy Ms. Deborah Hayden, President and CEO of Gavin Anderson and Company. The warm and friendly meeting was also attended by Mr. Hidayatullah Zahid, Director of Presidential Programs for the Office of the President, and from the Embassy, Dr. Bashir Mohabbat, Deputy Chief of Mission, and Mr. Jason Pratt, Public Affairs Officer.
Ambassador Fatimie expressed gratitude for Ms. Hayden’s continued friendship and dedication for the Afghan mission in Tokyo. Together, they discussed the importance of spreading news of the positive progress being made in Afghanistan both to key Japanese persons and to the Japanese public in general.
In closing, the two agreed to hold regular consultations.