Visit by Touring Afghan Teachers, Administrators, and Ministry of Education Officials.

December 8, 2017: It was a pleasure for His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Bashir Mohabbat, all the Diplomats and staff to host a group of visiting group of elementary and middle school teachers, Provisional Directors of the Ministry of Education from different provinces in Afghanistan, and Officials from the Ministry of Education Afghanistan to the embassy in Tokyo for tea and refreshments.

The eighteen guests were in Tokyo as a part of a training program entitled “Knowledge Co-Creation Program (Young Learners) for Afghanistan/Basic Education Administration Course” conducted in Japan. Through training programs such as this, human capacity development and efforts which are Afghan-owned and Afghan-led will continue well into the future. In his remarks to those present, H.E. Dr. Mohabbat expressed his hopes for the future of Afghanistan’s continued forward progress towards peace, prosperity, and self-sustainability through the benevolent assistance and guidance of the people and Government of the Noble nation of Japan.

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