July 12, 2018: His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Bashir Mohabbat had the honor and pleasure of meeting with Mr. Toshio Shimizu, Editor of the Cultural Section and Ms. Yoshiko Kawaharada, Staff Writer; both of the Chunichi Newspaper, Nagoya Headquarters, to the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Tokyo.
H.E. Ambassador Dr. Mohabbat extended his warmest welcome and deepest appreciation to Mr. Shimizu and Ms. Kawaharada for their kind visit to the embassy. In return, Mr. Shimizu and Ms. Kawaharada each expressed their thanks to H.E. Dr. Mohabbat for his sincere words and for again making time in his schedule to meet. They discussed their previous request for H.E. Dr. Mohabbat to write a short piece encompassing topics of Peace and War in Afghanistan as it will be later released in their August publication. H.E. Dr. Mohabbat expressed great joy in this opportunity to share his “Haiku of Peace” on behalf of the people of Afghanistan all while recounting his wonderful past experiences in Nagoya when completing his Masters degree. He further discussed the great positive impact it had on crystallizing peace and hospitality into his heart.
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