Meeting with Mr. Akira Hamasaki and Mr. Kento Kashimura
May 22, 2018: His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Bashir Mohabbat had the honor and pleasure of meeting with long time personal friend and friend of Afghanistan, Mr. Akira Hamasaki, Chairman of Hamasaki Industry Corporation, and Mr. Kento Kashimura, Managing Director and General Manager of Sales for the Gifu Branch of Shibuya Piping Industry Co., Ltd. to the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Tokyo; and then, following the meeting, accompany them in visiting H.E. Prime Minster Mr. Shinzo Abe’s Office to meet with the Honorable Mr. Isao Iijima, Special Advisor to the Cabinet of H.E. the Prime Minister of Japan and Senior Fellow of Keidanren; as well as Mr. Takiichiro Hatsumura, personal secretary to H.E. Prime Minister Mr. Abe.
H.E. Ambassador Dr. Mohabbat extended his warmest welcome and deepest appreciation for Messrs. Hamasaki and Kashimura’s kind visit to the embassy. In return, Messrs. Hamasaki and Kashimura thanked H.E. Dr. Mohabbat for his sincere words, for making time in his schedule to meet, and expressed their wishes for continual success in the relations between Japan and Afghanistan. Additionally, H.E. Dr. Mohabbat remarked his gratitude on their plan to build a vocational school in Afghanistan to continue the forward progress of human capacity development, and encouraged them to consider even further advancing of their investments in construction and development of Afghanistan through their respective businesses in order to help stimulate the Afghan economy and create jobs. The two agreed to do their best to secure H.E. Dr. Mohabbat’s wishes to build stronger and more profound relations between their respective companies and the embassy. They further discussed topics of mutual interest before visiting H.E. Prime Minster Mr. Shinzo Abe’s Office.
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