Meeting with Mr. Atsushi Masuda, Marketing Executive, Global Business Operation and Mr. Ashok Kamra, Marketing Executive, Global Business Operation from Toshiba Corporation.

March 24, 2017: Mr. Atsushi Masuda, Marketing Executive, Global Business Operation and Mr. Ashok Kamra, Marketing Executive, Global Business Operation from Toshiba Corporation Energy Systems & Solutions Company met with the Minister Counsellor Dr. Bashir Mohabbat, the First Secretary of Political Affairs Mr. Basir Ahmad Hamdard and Ms. Namie Imanishi at the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Mr. Hamdard set up the meeting when he attended at the Deployment of Innovative Energy Technologies and Solutions Workshop and Field Visit in Tokyo.

During the meeting, they discussed Toshiba’s current involvement in global projects, which entails advanced technologies and services to generate, transmit and store clean energy all around the world. Toshiba has three mega factories in India, of which their transformer factory is regarded the biggest in the world, manufacturing 900 to 1,000 transformers per day and exporting to 60 countries.
In Afghanistan, the area of interest is to supply water in remote parts of the country. Toshiba has already an autonomous energy supply system called “H2One”, which could be deployed in Afghanistan. H2One is a hydrogen power generator, which will ensure 24-hour hot water, and electricity. The system can be easily multiplied and set up according to different needs. This system was adopted in Fukushima Prefecture after the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake to accommodate electricity and water supply during the process of recovery in the region. The standard size of the “H2One” system is 60kW, a capacity of three of them (180kW) would be able to accommodate 200~300 people with electricity. The cost of each one of them would be about $2.5 million.

They also talked about the possibility of direct and/or indirect investment from Japan or collaboration project between Japan and India to Afghanistan. Mr. Masuda and Mr. Kamra promised to work closely with Afghanistan and to return to the embassy for future meetings. Mr. Hamdard also promise to send the softcopy of all the plan energy foreign direct investment documents received by his Excellency Mr. Amanullah Ghalib Deputy Minister of Energy in Afghanistan.
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