Meeting with outgoing and incoming Deputy Director of South Asia Division 2 of the South Asia Department of JICA.

July 12, 2019: His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Bashir Mohabbat had the honor of meeting again with Mr. Masahiro Suzuki, outgoing Deputy Director for South Asia Division 2 of the South Asia Department of JICA; and Ms. Mina Eto, incoming Deputy Director for South Asia Division 2 of the South Asia Department of JICA, at the embassy here in Tokyo. Also in attendance was Mr. Nasrullah Rozbeh, Second Secretary for the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Tokyo.

Mr. Suzuki thanked H.E. Dr. Mohabbat for making time in his schedule to meet and expressed his sincere thanks for the warm welcome each time he visits. In return H.E. Dr. Mohabbat thanked him for his kind words and expressed his appreciation for Mr. Suzuki’s time for meeting again. Moreover, Mr. Suzuki thanked H.E. Dr. Mohabbat and all the diplomats and official of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Afghanistan for their support and assistance throughout his tenure as Deputy Director for South Asia Division 2 of the South Asia Department of JICA. Additionally, he expressed his wishes for a smooth transition and continuation of the warm bilateral cooperation under the tenure of Ms. Eto.
On behalf of the people and Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, H.E. Dr. Mohabbat, extended his gratitude for the service of Mr. Suzuki over the years, wished him the best in all his future endeavors, and thanked him for the long support and assistance of the people and Government of the noble nation of Japan which has stood with Afghanistan during the rebuilding process, and like others from the international community, striving to help bring further peace and security to Afghanistan. H.E. Dr. Mohabbat assured Mr. Suzuki and Ms. Eto that the close and friendly relations they have enjoyed over the years will continue on under Ms. Eto. Additionally Ms. Eto along with H.E. Dr. Mohabbat share the optimism for the relationship between Japan and Afghanistan growing ever more so. They further discussed topics of mutual interest.
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