Attendance at Luncheon hosted by H.E. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

H.E. Prime Minister Abe welcomed everyone to this year’s gathering. Further, he remarked at just how much has been going on in the world this year. Additionally, he again spoke to Japan’s great anticipation of hosting the 2020 Olympic & Paralympic Games. He intimated how much everyone is looking forward to them and, as such, he valued the opinion of each country's ambassador to help make the games a success. Each Ambassadors remarked about their personal appeal to Japan's, the close relations between Japan and each of their individual countries, and also the experience of each ambassador in Japan. During his remarks, H.E. Dr. Mohabbat thanked H.E. Prime Minister Abe for hosting this event and thanked him, on behalf of the people and Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, for the long support and unwavering assistance of the people and Government of the noble nation of Japan.
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