Attendance at 38th Anniversary of Iranian Victory Day.

February 9, 2017: Dr. Bashir Mohabbat, Charges d’Affaires a.i., attended the reception for the 38th Anniversary of the Victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran at the Ambassador’s Residence. Dr. Mohabbat expressed his congratulations on this occasion to H.E. Ambassador Mr. Reza Nazar Ahari of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the attending diplomats, and his wishes the neighboring countries of Afghanistan and Iran will maintain a friendly relationship. H.E. Ambassador Nazar Ahari expressed his appreciation for the words by Dr. Mohabbat as well as for his attendance, and Ambassador Nazar Ahari also expressed his wishes that the two countries' maintain friendly and close relations.

At the reception, Dr. Mohabbat also had an opportunity to meet and converse with honorable high-ranking officials of the Government of Japan, such as long time friend, Chief Representative of Komei Party, Hon. Mr. Natsuo Yamaguchi, and Their Excellencies Ambassadors and members of diplomatic missions stationed in Tokyo representing their respective nations. He also had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with Hon. Mr. Katsuhiko Takahashi, Deputy Director-General of MOFA Japan’s Middle Easter and African Affairs Bureau, Mr. Junichi Sumi, Deputy Director / Energy & Natural Resources Chief of MOFA Japan’s Economic Affairs Bureau, and Mr. Koichiro Tanaka, Managing Director and President of JIME Center, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan.

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