Meeting with Executive Senior Representative of Programs and Deputy Director of South Asia Division 2 of JICA.

November 25, 2019: His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Bashir Mohabbat had the honor of meeting with Mr. Katsunori Uehara, Executive Senior Representative of Programs for the Japan International Cooperation Agency’s (JICA) Afghanistan Office; and Ms. Mina Eto, Deputy Director for South Asia Division 2 of the South Asia Department of JICA, at the embassy here in Tokyo. Also in attendance was Mr. Najibullah Safi, Counsellor and Deputy Chief of Mission for the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Tokyo.

Mr. Uehara thanked H.E. Dr. Mohabbat for making time in his schedule to meet and expressed his sincere thanks for the warm welcome. In return H.E. Dr. Mohabbat thanked him for his kind words and expressed his appreciation for Mr. Uehara’s request for meeting. On behalf of the people and Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, H.E. Dr. Mohabbat, extended gratitude to the people and Government of Japan as is evident through the steadfast and benevolent care they have rendered over the years. Further he particularly thanked JICA for the long support and assistance to Afghanistan during the rebuilding process, and like others from the international community, striving to help bring further development, self-sufficiency, peace and security to Afghanistan. In return, Mr. Uehara and Ms. Eto thanked H.E. Dr. Mohabbat and assured him that the close and friendly relations they have enjoyed over the years, as well as the support, will continue on. Additionally, H.E. Dr. Mohabbat discussed with them their four-years prospectus for future projects in Afghanistan, about the market for Afghan product in Japan, as well as the pledge to hold an international conference for global reach and to procure further commitment for assistance to Afghanistan through 2024. H.E. Dr. Mohabbat also asked for JICA’s support in the burgeoning Afghanistan Cancer Foundation as well as expanding its rice based agriculture to the remaining provinces of Afghanistan.
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