Attendance at the Opening Ceremony of “Peace Through Flowers” Exhibit.

February 8, 2019: It was an honor and pleasure for H.E. Ambassador Dr. Bashir Mohabbat to attend the opening ceremony of the “” exhibition supervised by renowned florist Mr. Masaru Akai and Ms. Junko Katano at Haneda Airport’s International Terminal’s Edo Theater.

Operating under the belief that “flowers connect the world beyond the nationality, religion and politics” this exhibit showcasing flower arrangements made by twenty two of Their Excellencies the Ambassadors with Missions in Japan’s wives was inaugurated at Haneda International Airport under the guidance and instruction by Mr. Akai. Madam Mohabbat created Afghanistan's flower arrangement which will be displayed during the exhibition. During the ceremony, Madam gave remarks as to her inspirations for the floral arrangement. "Like tulips in the mountains of Afghanistan, both flowers and peace should naturally occur everywhere. With care and cultivation, flowers are able to bloom more. Likewise by willingly cultivating our minds towards each other, it can also help bring a peace to the world."

On behalf of the people and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, H.E. Ambassador Dr. Mohabbat extended his appreciation to the exhibit’s supervisors for allowing Afghanistan to be one of the participating countries in event of this caliber, enabling the lovely message of peace and the unique arrangement of flowers like those found in Afghanistan to greet guests as they arrive in the kind and benevolent host country of Japan. Additionally, he had the pleasure of meeting with Hon. Mr. Katsuji Doi, President and CEO of Tokyo International Air Terminal Corporation, to whom he expressed sincerest thanks for allowing Haneda Airport to host such a magnificent event as this and further expressed his hopes and wishes that one day there would be direct flights between Japan and Afghanistan so visitors here could view the kind of welcoming exhibit such as this.

While at the opening ceremony, H.E. Dr. Mohabbat also had the pleasure of meeting with several others of Their Excellencies the Ambassadors and Madam Ambassadresses, diplomats with missions in Japan, and other distinguished guests all present to inaugurate the opening of this exhibit which runs from February 8th through February 11th. The event was also covered in print by the Yomiuri Shimbun which stated, "those flowers present were features of each countries and regions, for example, the ambassadress of Greece arranged olive branches, also used in the Olympic olive wreath, where Olympic was originated from, and the ambassadress of Afghanistan made flower arrangements with Tulips, a national flower of Afghanistan."

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