Courtesy Call by H.E. Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Japan Mr. Rhamani Movahed

August 17, 2018: His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Bashir Mohabbat had the honor and pleasure to receive His Excellency Ambassador Mr. Morteza Rahmani Movahed of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Tokyo for a Courtesy Call at the Embassy of Afghanistan in Tokyo.
H.E. Ambassador. Dr. Mohabbat extended his sincerest words of appreciation to H.E. Ambassador Rahmani Movahed for visiting the Embassy of Afghanistan, and he congratulated him for his appointment as the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Tokyo. He also expressed his gratitude toward the people and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran for their assistance in rebuilding Afghanistan. On the importance of the occasion, H.E. Ambassador Dr. Mohabbat wished H.E. Ambassador Rahmani Movahed luck and success in all his future diplomatic endeavors while in return, H.E. Ambassador Rahmani Movahed thanked H.E. Ambassador. Dr. Mohabbat for welcoming him to the Embassy of Afghanistan and for expressing his cordial words. He also extended his sincerest aspiration to continue maintaining the warm and prosperous ties between their respected nations and their honorable Embassies. With the courtesy of both of Their Excellencies, they mutually expressed the importance of strengthening and deepening the meaningful relations between Afghanistan and Iran and seek to maintain the honoring of their liaisons.
Also in attendance was Mr. Basir Ahmad Hamdard, First Secretary for the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Japan.
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