JICA’s Chief Representative of Kabul Mr. Watanabe visits Embassy

August 16, 2018: It was a great honor and pleasure for His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Bashir Mohabbat to welcome once again Honorable Mr. Takeshi Watanabe, Chief Representative of the Japan International Cooperation Agency’s (JICA) Afghanistan Office in Kabul, at the Embassy of Afghanistan.
On behalf of the people and the Government of Afghanistan, H.E. Ambassador Dr. Mohabbat expressed his gratitude towards the people and the Government of Japan and JICA who have contributed enormously to Afghanistan’s development, progress, and success. Likewise, Mr. Watanabe thanked Dr. Mohabbat for his kind words and expressed his sincerest wishes to continue the warm and harmonious relations between Afghanistan, Japan, and the JICA. His Excellency also thanked Mr. Watanabe for investing time and effort in the ongoing Kabul airport project, and the recently agreed Maternal and Child Health Scale-up Plan for Afghanistan. The project which is supported by the Government of Japan, its Ministry of Public Health (MoPH), and JICA, hopes to improve the health and nutrition of mothers and children in Afghanistan. While the project will firstly begin in the Kama and Mirbacha Kot districts, the aim is to fully implement the Scale-Up Plan nationwide by the end of 2022.
The project’s signing ceremony will be held on August 29th at the Embassy of Afghanistan in Tokyo. All sides much-anticipate this important event and thanked each other for the outstanding collaboration thus far.
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