Attendance at 2018 OCAJI New Year’s Celebration .

January 22, 2018: His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Bashir Mohabbat had the pleasure of attending the “New Year’s Celebration for 2018” hosted by the Overseas Construction Association of Japan Incorporated (OCAJI) at the ANA Intercontinental Tokyo Ballroom.

H.E. Ambassador Dr. Mohabbat and the Chief Executive Director and COO of OCAJI, Mr. Yoshihiro Yamaguchi, discussed the present and future plans of construction in Afghanistan. They mutually agreed that Afghanistan has greatly benefited over the past years from infrastructure construction and development and thus would benefit greatly from continued Japanese construction and development. H.E. Dr. Mohabbat sincerely thanked Mr. Yamaguchi for the continuous support in the development of Afghanistan. In return, Mr. Yamaguchi reassured Dr. Mohabbat that they would continue giving support to Afghanistan.

During this event H.E. Dr. Mohabbat also had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with Mr. Masato Otsubo, Executive Director of OCAJI; Vice-Minister Koichi Yoshida from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) of Japan; and Mr. Ejima Shinya, Senior Vice President of JICA , all of whom he exchange pleasantries with and thanked, on behalf of the people and Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, for their continued support of Afghanistan during its redevelopment and progress. Additionally he had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with several of Their Excellencies the Ambassadors with missions in Japan, diplomats, parliamentarians, high ranking members from Japan’s construction and mining business sectors, and other dignified guests with whom he discussed many topics of mutual interest.

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