November 24, 2016: It was a pleasure and honor for His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie to host a dinner reception honoring the visit of H.E. Mr. Ali Ahmad Osmani, Minister of Energy and Water; other Honorable Deputy Ministers, Directors, Managers, and distinguished Dignitaries to the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Tokyo on the occasion of their visits here to Japan. Dr. Bashir Mohabbat, Minister-Counsellor; Mr. Ahmad Ghafoori, First Secretary and Consul; Mr. Basir Hamdard, First Secretary and Political Affairs; Mr. Asif Agah, Second Secretary and Cultural Affairs; and Mr. Abdulzaman Akbari were in attendance to greet guests as they arrive and host the event.
Guests in attendance from the Ministry of Public Health were: H.E. Dr. Ahamd Jan Naeem, Deputy Minister of Policy and Planning; H.E. Dr. Najibullah Safi, General Director of Preventive Medicine; H.E. Dr. Ataullah Sayidzai, General Director of Evaluation and Health Information System; H.E. Dr. Zelaikha Anwari, Director of Reproductive Health; and Hon. Dr. Raz Mohammad Khankell Iec, Development Manager of Health Promotion.

Guests in attendance from other agencies were: H.E. Mr. Mohad Aslam Sayas, Deputy Minister of ANDMA; Hon. Mr. Ajmal Karimi, International Relations Directorate of ANDMA; Hon. Mr Abdul Basir Sabawoon, Nangarhar Provincial Acting Director of ANDMA; Hon. Mr. Zahoor Selab, Laghman Provincial Acting Director; Mr. Janaqa Haidari, Manager of Economic Department of ANDMA; Hon. Ms. Sameera Noori, Humanitarian DRR Deputy of CoAR; Mr. Ezatullah Sediqi, DRR and Resilience Advisor of AfghanAid; Hon. Mr. Mohammad R. Aziz, Humanitarian Associate Director of SC; Hon. Mr. Said Saifi, Capacity Building and Trainings Sector Head of ADA; Mr. Mohammad Bashir Baaser, Project Officer of AAR; Mr. Mir Ibrahim Zaki, Project Manager of ADRA; Mr. Nejabat Khan Safi, Associate Director of CWSA; Mr. Hameedullah Hamid, Project Manager of JEN; Mr. Noor Hasan Shinwari, Section Leader of SVA; and Mr. Waheed Ahmad Zamani, Acting Director of Self Principle for SVA.
There were also many other dignitaries and guests from several NGOs, Civil Society groups, and friends of the Embassy. Once all guests were received, in his opening remark, H.E. Ambassador Dr. Fatimie extended his welcome everyone present for their attendance at this event. He also discussed the profundity of this momentous visit for all. Dr. Bashir Mohabbat also spoke to welcome everyone to the embassy and the great significance of this visit by everyone. Remarks were then given by Minister of Energy and Water, H.E. Mr. Ali Ahmad Osmani.
After all had spoken, H.E. Dr. Fatimie invited the guests to partake in the Afghan dishes prepared by the Embassy which were served for all to enjoy. Following the dinner, all guests present partook in a group photo, to commemorate the auspicious occasion.
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