June 15, 2011: Ambassador Dr. Sayed M. Amin Fatimie
hosted an representatives of Afghan residents in Japan at the Embassy of
the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Afghan residents in Japan had
donated a total of 1,851,000 yen in support of the victims of the tragic
March 11th disasters. The representatives gathered in order to hear a
report on how the funds were used and what the outcome was.
Ambassador Fatimie opened the event by offering deepest gratitude and
praise to the representatives and all Afghans in Japan for their
selfless support and their steadfast solidarity to their Japanese
brothers and sisters during these difficult times. The Ambassador
encouraged those present to continue their positive proactive nature
from here on out, strengthening relationships both with their Japanese
neighbors and with each other.
Mr. Jafar Ahmadyar, who headed the Committee in charge of collecting
and taking charge of the funds, briefed attendees on the actions the
committee had taken to provide furnishings to evacuees from Fukushima in
Ibaraki, the funds donated directly to Fukushima – along with drawings
of support by Afghan children, and the reaction from the evacuees,
concerned officials, and the Japanese public.
In closing, Mr. Jason Pratt, Public Affairs Officer, and Ms. Mako
Shiina debuted the first Embassy podcast, which speaks on modern mutual
support between Afghanistan and Japan, to the group, promising to spread
the news about their noble efforts.