Kokuyo Co. Ltd and NPO ASCA Donation Procurement Contract Signing Ceremony.

May 17, 2019: It was a pleasure for H.E. Ambassador Dr. Bashir Mohabbat to welcome representative members from Kokuyo Co. Ltd. and NPO Association of Sahadat for Children in Afghanistan (ASCA)to the Rumi Balkhi Hall in order to ceremonially sign a contract donating goods collected by the aforementioned organizations into the care of the Ministry of Education of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, through their representatives of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Tokyo, at the Embassy building in Tokyo.

H.E. Ambassador Dr. Mohabbat welcomed the distinguished guests from both delegations. Following this, representatives from the three parties involved were invited one at a time to the signing area to sign the contract; beginning with Mr. Hidekuni Kuroda, Chief Representative of Kokuyo Corporation; followed by Madam Yasuko Yanagihara-Mohabbat, Founder of NPO ASCA; and finalized by H.E. Ambassador Dr. Bashir Mohabbat.

In his opening remarks, H.E. Dr. Mohabbat deeply thanked both organizations Kokuyo Co. Ltd. and NPO ASCA for their generous donation and time in acquiring materials with which to help support and continue the education of children in Afghanistan. Remarks were given by Mr. Hidekuni Kuroda, Chief Representative of Kokuyo Corporation, who expressed his great interest and appreciation for the importance in the promotion of educational projects in Afghanistan. This was followed by remarks by Madam Yasuko Yanagihara-Mohabbat, Founder of NPO ASCA, on the importance of children in founding the path to progress and peace in Afghanistan. The NPO ASCA is actively contributing to the support of the education sector in Afghanistan. Since 2011, ASCA’s tireless efforts have helped to improve the quality of life and educational opportunities of Afghan children and their communities.

Following the ceremony for the signing of the contract, H.E. Dr. Mohabbat hosted a small reception in the Ambassador’s residence to celebrate and thank the benefactors for their donation as well as for their continuous assistance toward Afghanistan.


2019年5日17日 特命全大使バシール・モハバット閣下は、アフガニスタンの子供達への寄付品における協定書に調印する所為で、コクヨ株式会社と特定非営利活動法人飛鳥の代表者を駐日アフガニスタン大使館内のルミバルヒホールに歓迎しました。寄付品は、アフガニスタンの文部省の管理下で調達されます。




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