Hosting Celebration to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Restoration of Independence of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan for Afghan Nationals in Japan.

August 23, 2019: It was an honor and pleasure for H.E. Ambassador Dr. Bashir Mohabbat to host a reception celebration to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Restoration of Independence of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan for Afghan nationals in residing Japan, at the embassy in Tokyo. Also in attendance to receive the guests were Mr. Nasrullah Rozbeh, Second Secretary; Mr. Abdul Hameed Hashimi, Third Secretary and Consul; and all the Embassy staff.

The emcee, Mr. Ashraf Baburi, Administrative Affairs for the Embassy, welcomed all in attendance, invited a leader from the Afghan Community in Tokyo to lead those present in a reading from the Holy book of the Quran, and invited H.E. Ambassador Dr. Mohabbat to the podium to give his remarks on the occasion. H.E. Ambassador Dr. Mohabbat extended his welcome to all guests to the Embassy and discussed the significance of the auspicious centennial milestone. Following his remarks, the guests were invited to partake in the afternoon tea, cakes, and other dishes prepared by the Embassy for all to enjoy.

Following the afternoon tea, closing remarks were given by Dr. Khalid Reshad, of the Association of Kenshikai Healthcare Corporation, the Reshad Clinic, and Apolon Elderly Care Center, all located in Shizuoka Prefecture’s Shimada City. On this notably auspicious occasion, Dr. Reshad, who is not only a longtime friend of the Embassy but has been a leader in Japan’s Afghan community for several decades, spoke to the importance of Afghanistan’s past and its future. At the end of the reception, all present remarked at how enjoyable the reception had been and were happy to celebrate Afghanistan’s centennial celebration.

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